Saturday, February 28, 2009

Today i learned something;

True friends are those that will be there for you even when you stumble and fall, when you dont get your chances, they wait or try to achieve it with you.

True friends are those that you know when you smile to them, you know its genuine, not those that last for a second then you feel like the other party is hiding something beneath that smirk.

True friends are those that know exactly how you feel when for a moment you felt like your dreams doesn't seem so far away or untouchable.

True friends are those that won't change even when distance and time can be such a bitch.

True friends will help you on your way, listen instead of speaking, offer you selflessly with their console in a different way.

True friends are those that share the same passion with you, even if they don't understand how much you love it. Or when they do, they want to be there feeling proud for you. Those that you know you can see in it in their eyes.

True friends won't leave you alone, lurch you for their boyfriends, or give you one simple sentence just to shut you off when you are lost.

True friends, you can feel it. We don't speak it.
I'm glad that beneath this competitive environment, i still have them.

You know who you are,i'm thankful that you guys have never given up on the way.

That means alot.

And lastly, Carolyn i miss you, Come back soon. You've gotta stand here with me to see how fake people can get nowadays. I know who my real friends are, dont even try sucker.

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