Tuesday, November 10, 2009

sooner or later...

today after school i am super determine to go jog alone or do something alone. I feel so deprived of something. I have no idea what it is, but i only know that i am exhausted. Definitely. because yesterday i totally CMI ed at 1am ( considered early already) and wanted ta set my alarm at 7 am this morning but i woke up 2 hours later which was at 9. ftw. i didn even hear the alarm can? its ai otsuka for god sake, those that will make you wake up to her super high pitch tone. ( but i didn -_-) and i had some super pow wow fever that creates this throbbing at the back of my head yesterday during stage run. (: super awesome. So today i vow after lecture, i will chiong all the research due on friday, end my last paragraph of case study arrange it, print then go for some real kick ass jogging to get away from my fished up life.

ps: i forgot all bout my grandma's 86th birthday and i was doing project then at rehearsal during that whole time. EVERY body was there. The guilt could fcking kill me.

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