24 hours of non-sleep and constant gluing and pasting and trying to make every detail niche and properly placed. For one moment, i really felt that i'm going broccoli. Its most fruitfully advisable that you do not take culinary as your elective next sem unless you really have the passion , trust me. You will just suffer, be it waking up early in the morning an extra day for grooming amidst SSM. Choose ticketing or culture, no grooming. WALAO. but damn boring in my context. Leycia detest computers %$#@#%$#%$#%$
Anyway i'm just here to upload pictures and taking a breather from all the assignments. Just this morning, i really had the idea of quitting school. For good. For a simple reason. duh?
Anyway i'm just here to upload pictures and taking a breather from all the assignments. Just this morning, i really had the idea of quitting school. For good. For a simple reason. duh?
Now, i feel accomplished. Looking at my cream of broccoli soup and chart board that i've made makes me feel that i can accomplish anything HAHHAHAS. Every now then, i always ponder; people who give up are those who can't endure? I was on the verge of crossing over but somehow i overcome all sorts of shit and that's why i'm now in sem 2.2, half way through my frikking cannibalistic diploma.So trust me, if year one is shit, year two gives you more reason to buy more of toilet rolls.
Yes i'm a princess. NOT :/ if i was i'd be having my servants suffer under the inhumane acts of broccoli
I will tell all my troubles to my close ones over a telephone or face to face and not over a blog.
Pictures soon. trust me. (:
I love my family, my second home.
Carolyn tanu indo meena meetup at windows cafe- 30th november
Oschool recital - 8th dec
Danzation-19th and 29th december
FB's groove -13th december
My life in the future is definitely more fulfilling than that of my past.
Goodbye sorrows, welcome inspirations.
and oh ya you know that wonderful girl hiding behind Lavone? NO YOU DONT? HOW CAN YOU NOT? hahas
Let me introduce you to Estee Ho Macy.
I just wanna thank god that i got to know you really, one of the best things in life i've encountered and that's you.
Leycia loves Estee and your retardedness, crazy fits of high-ness,and lastly your confidence .
Don't ever lose it.

Bye (:
I love my family, my second home.
Oschool recital - 8th dec
Danzation-19th and 29th december
FB's groove -13th december
My life in the future is definitely more fulfilling than that of my past.
Goodbye sorrows, welcome inspirations.
and oh ya you know that wonderful girl hiding behind Lavone? NO YOU DONT? HOW CAN YOU NOT? hahas
Let me introduce you to Estee Ho Macy.
I just wanna thank god that i got to know you really, one of the best things in life i've encountered and that's you.
Leycia loves Estee and your retardedness, crazy fits of high-ness,and lastly your confidence .
Don't ever lose it.
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