Floor the Love 2008

I shall not deny that locking used to be just 55% to me whereas now, its a 70% interest in yearning to learn and further in terms of placing it in my future. (: why the sudden change?
The amount of dance talent i had seen last night was dope to the max.Locking. It's like what???! I was shouting all the time. Sorry Kevinn , i'm a loudhailer when i'm damn excited hahas, it's your misfortune to sit beside me.Elmo from the Taiwan entertainment show/band 棒棒糖 was there to compete in the locking section.
Chunky(Ian) with his partner battle against them. Elmo's partner is = Musicality= Dope dope dope dope. Wth? It's like how can he hit the beat so well and the best thing is that it comes. naturally. Freestylin= how to anticipate?? Respect for him man.All the way (: Elmo= Omg i love him. I love him,ok the way how i'm going to buy my safety shield now before all his pink cutesy camera blink blink girl fans are gonna show their fangs at me.Standing one whole row behind me screaming their lungs out. -.-
Hiphop section was omg. An an VS Ben for finals. HAHHAS. i was like whoah now the show has begun. (: Well, anan won. Her groove is inexplicable.Those who have gone for her lesson s should know. I'm in awe when i saw her do her solo freestlye. It's like total ownage. But during semi finals, i felt that the girl ( short hair) who compete against her, doing wacking. Total admiration. Synchro to the max urh. Tell me wacking synchro i die for you to see. I get a little ghetto here and there, like that style is so stagnant after a while then it gets boring to see. But no, her wacking was =whoah.
I guess it wasn't Ben's element when the song changed. Damn sadded when he lost for popping. Michael is dope seriously. I couldn't believe it. Well initially i really stay rooted for Ben to win. I have no idea why maybe because i prefer his style of popping. But Michael really really stepped it up. Nevertheless, he should be proud now since his students won the final battle. I'm happy for them, improved a whole lot since Wu zone.Special attention to Michael's partner. Why the fcking hell is his pop impact so HUGE? walau! walau! walau! He's like popping eyecandy. I can stay the whole day watching him pop. Fcking dope.4 the love? I dk but kevinn's eyecandy urh ? (: hahas omg my eyecandy also. If i'm les, i will go date them. But i'm unfortuantely NOT. hahas Her eyes give killer stares. The last stare and the pop was like, i can go up right straight to her and ask for her no. Unless Kevinn you want to go up first? lol
I found my eyecandy yesterday. Shit. Damn cute.Like the first time i saw him wearing the white bandanna, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. ok (: hahas Anyway yesterday the hot guys metre was like = 7/10 hahs.TP cannot fight. I like a man who can lock and pop. So i was telling fion, my boyfriend has to be a locker/popper. CMON, you can wack, even better. hahas ok jk. (: Just for the fun of it after the whole adrenaline rush thing.
All in all, i really enjoyed the show.We headed down to HK cafe afterwards to eat. Nana's teh peng blended is dope.Then headed home alone. Recently, i've been doing alot of things alone. Including taking the mrt and buses even sitting alone in lecture halls makes me pay attention more. I should do this more often.I like to be alone for a while so there's no false pretense.But somehow, i love to be around my girls. Ok i'm weird like that. Anyway jj and jw, don't feel disappointed, feel that you have achieved something out of this and take the next step forward.Hope you like the cards we did for you guys.
I have jap later. Next week is killer, operation at top table starts, two project submission,Individual assignment,Art fest ,jap final intermediate 4 test and S.I.P briefing.I can sense the pills gonna be handy. But no, i should not cause the over dosage again.Guide me through next week, no broken shakers, glasses. Work as a bartender efficiently.
Chunky(Ian) with his partner battle against them. Elmo's partner is = Musicality= Dope dope dope dope. Wth? It's like how can he hit the beat so well and the best thing is that it comes. naturally. Freestylin= how to anticipate?? Respect for him man.All the way (: Elmo= Omg i love him. I love him,ok the way how i'm going to buy my safety shield now before all his pink cutesy camera blink blink girl fans are gonna show their fangs at me.Standing one whole row behind me screaming their lungs out. -.-
Hiphop section was omg. An an VS Ben for finals. HAHHAS. i was like whoah now the show has begun. (: Well, anan won. Her groove is inexplicable.Those who have gone for her lesson s should know. I'm in awe when i saw her do her solo freestlye. It's like total ownage. But during semi finals, i felt that the girl ( short hair) who compete against her, doing wacking. Total admiration. Synchro to the max urh. Tell me wacking synchro i die for you to see. I get a little ghetto here and there, like that style is so stagnant after a while then it gets boring to see. But no, her wacking was =whoah.
I guess it wasn't Ben's element when the song changed. Damn sadded when he lost for popping. Michael is dope seriously. I couldn't believe it. Well initially i really stay rooted for Ben to win. I have no idea why maybe because i prefer his style of popping. But Michael really really stepped it up. Nevertheless, he should be proud now since his students won the final battle. I'm happy for them, improved a whole lot since Wu zone.Special attention to Michael's partner. Why the fcking hell is his pop impact so HUGE? walau! walau! walau! He's like popping eyecandy. I can stay the whole day watching him pop. Fcking dope.4 the love? I dk but kevinn's eyecandy urh ? (: hahas omg my eyecandy also. If i'm les, i will go date them. But i'm unfortuantely NOT. hahas Her eyes give killer stares. The last stare and the pop was like, i can go up right straight to her and ask for her no. Unless Kevinn you want to go up first? lol
I found my eyecandy yesterday. Shit. Damn cute.Like the first time i saw him wearing the white bandanna, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. ok (: hahas Anyway yesterday the hot guys metre was like = 7/10 hahs.TP cannot fight. I like a man who can lock and pop. So i was telling fion, my boyfriend has to be a locker/popper. CMON, you can wack, even better. hahas ok jk. (: Just for the fun of it after the whole adrenaline rush thing.
All in all, i really enjoyed the show.We headed down to HK cafe afterwards to eat. Nana's teh peng blended is dope.Then headed home alone. Recently, i've been doing alot of things alone. Including taking the mrt and buses even sitting alone in lecture halls makes me pay attention more. I should do this more often.I like to be alone for a while so there's no false pretense.But somehow, i love to be around my girls. Ok i'm weird like that. Anyway jj and jw, don't feel disappointed, feel that you have achieved something out of this and take the next step forward.Hope you like the cards we did for you guys.
I have jap later. Next week is killer, operation at top table starts, two project submission,Individual assignment,Art fest ,jap final intermediate 4 test and S.I.P briefing.I can sense the pills gonna be handy. But no, i should not cause the over dosage again.Guide me through next week, no broken shakers, glasses. Work as a bartender efficiently.
That was last night's moon. Captivating (:
特别是他是一个舞者. (:
One thing that i'm really glad is, after watching this show, i didn felt demoralised.In fact, i felt even more inspired to overcome all hurdles and be on that floor one day doing the genre i do best.So in other wards i'm gonna help or push myself. If i want this badly, i'm going to manage my time, my health problems and juggle jap, studies and dance and i know i can do it.
Because i'm never gonna give up dancing. Nothing can make me.
It's a niche and a need.Not a want.
More videos? The next post. hahas
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