Comm base is officially Over
Just woke up. I slept for 12 hours -.- Didn break my record though. The last time i slept for 14 hours was during F1 (: hahas It shows how tired i was, i didn even realised. So finally everything is over, handed in culinary and blogged FEST .( FONTS = CMI) :( MICE TEST this friday :/ I don't care lurh, i slept at 4 am and woke up at 6 for SSM. One thing i realised at TCA, you ask questions or your doubts you kena scolded. You don't ask, you kena scolded even more. By not asking and then assuming which results in doing the wrong things, bye bye to you (: .
I'm really trying my very best to make everything right when i'm on operation. Even to the point of swallowing my dignity and say "yes" to the things that i want to say "no" to. You know getting accused? I have zero tolerance for that. But somehow now, i get so used to it. It's like becoming fake for the industry. Nabeh.
Next week's the last week for TOPTABLE for me. Afterwhich, i will be at TCC, studying for that proficiency test. I wonder if i will miss that place. :/ Whatever it is, i will still be there in the kitchen for culinary. Bye bye to skills kitchen. I will really miss that place. hahas (: The muliple times i cut my fingers for those potatoes, tomatoes, celery and chicken -.- The "FOOD TASTING" at family table, more like food snatching (: I love my team. I so do lurh. SHIT i'm actually starting to like to go for culi now. SSM still sucks :/ I'm a happy girl whatever it is.
Next week's the last week for TOPTABLE for me. Afterwhich, i will be at TCC, studying for that proficiency test. I wonder if i will miss that place. :/ Whatever it is, i will still be there in the kitchen for culinary. Bye bye to skills kitchen. I will really miss that place. hahas (: The muliple times i cut my fingers for those potatoes, tomatoes, celery and chicken -.- The "FOOD TASTING" at family table, more like food snatching (: I love my team. I so do lurh. SHIT i'm actually starting to like to go for culi now. SSM still sucks :/ I'm a happy girl whatever it is.
Danny's locking yesterday made me realise how little of locking i actually know.I love the way he teaches us how to amplify our lock to create a larger impact. I know Locking's not everyone's favourite, but to me, it plays a very important role for me to improve. Sometimes during comm base, i felt like locking could be very fake at times. No matter how down you are, you still have to express that happiness in your face when you do locking. Now, when i have my girls around, its like even though how sad i am, i will be so happy doing locking with them. I miss our training periods. :'( GEMS 4 and dance camp k? You girls will forever be my favourite locking partners. We are not a team k , we are family. At least to me (:
Viva de Arts and Disney LIVE! Pics overded -.- again
Anarez, shall i just say i loveyou plenty (: Thanks for always correcting me when i'm wrong. I really appreciate it. Perfectionist but a passionist too.Nothing's wrong when you want things to be perfect, but sometimes we just love yout he way you are. You were meant to be one of us k. GEMS 4 you know we love it.
Koh Koh !!!! (: don't give up your passion for singing dearie! We can go K soon (:
With that, this whole experience marks an end. Will miss those trainings but i'm looking forward to more for GEMS 4 (:
Ok i'm like super tired now and there's fest lecture/ modern technique lesson later BYE (:
Btw, this is what i did after culi practical test, In the end i kena chicken instead of fish???! wtbbqfish? hahas but i cooked for my family, from saute to baked to breading to tomato concasse! (:
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