This is for you
This is for Estee for telling me you missed me at 22:35 last night when i was dozing off because sorry i'm having a terrible fever and it was a mistake to have gone for SSM which made it worse like i dunno even how to say it.
I miss you too. You know i don't usually like to tell people about everything that's been going on.. but i hope they understand. I find that selfish. But you didn give up trying to be there for me each and every time i didn know how to be happy be it in emotions, expressions, school and the list just goes on yes/no. Thanks, i think you must have heard that a hundred times. Time to come up with another word for thank you. Something like, Funk you. You know, give you all that funk to do whatever you wanna do in life so you can pull through. (If you are thinking this in all sorts of dimension or the negatives, bah it shows what sort of person you are yes/no) Ok i'm just tired of everything. :/
This is for you Fion. For your clumsiness. What the hell is wrong with you!!!!!!! I'm gonna protect you from sharp edge objects from now on! Do keep that bandage on you hear me? Don't eat dark soya sauce terriyaki bah bah la or whatever shitnots from africa. i don't know.. Stereotyping that african food is all dark in colour. So not racist but just inexplicable. Yes..i wanna see you healthy and free from scars and everything. Take care k :( cancel that study session already, i dont wanna see you with that bandage ! >:/ As much as i wanted to see you around, or let's just say i'm missing a number of you here and there.
I miss dancing. Never thought i would say that at sucha crucial period but yes i do. I need to spend quality time alone to do all that studying and it's bout time i go check my knee. It's def injured if not i wouldn have felt a piercing pain every time i bend down. Fcking pain. I wonder what is it.
Chef Joyce was saying something the other day..no she's always saying something and it keeps ringing in my ears for a long time. Oh yes She was talking bout how her commi chefs nowadays just go home after culinary and just eat, seat in front of their comps and talk less than 3 sentences of conversations with their parents.
She said: "It's unhealthy."
I think i've been unhealthy for a long long long long long time and suddenly i don;t feel guilty. I feel like i've changed to a monster who do not bother about family relations anymore.
What have i become?
a monster yes, how can i forget
i just mentioned it.
a monster yes, how can i forget
i just mentioned it.
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