Oh and shiting made the funniest comment ever :
" so am i suppose to go up to the table and ask them :" sir can i crumb for you?"
Ok there's this ritual that you have to take a semolina and sideplate to clear the crumbs for your guest, but it's awkward to ask the question and just get going.
But i seriously heard this instead :
" so am i suppose to go up to the table and ask them: sir can i krump for you?"
Sorry Shi ting, i'm in a dance daze mood. (: Dance camp had better come.. The motivation is fading off every day like as if my blood is draining off. Passion in the blood makes it bad.But watching aint so bad. FB production tonight should be good.I seriously wanna watch the NUT CRACKER BALLET. DAMN it had to be on the 19th NRA's too.
I am gonna intern at the gallery hotel. I so wanna intern there. Monday's interview had better be smooth sailing if not Japan i'm coming to eat you.
I am gonna intern at the gallery hotel. I so wanna intern there. Monday's interview had better be smooth sailing if not Japan i'm coming to eat you.
Ok i'm losing my will to blog. Before i go, take care of yourself in aussie, mate! You promise the bubble yum gums and bring back trolleys of photos. Till then Bon voyage. <3> BYE. (:

I 'm bringing the bangs Back. My hair is so black, there isn even a trace of brown (: HA I LIKE. Idc if you think i look like one of the sisters from wishing stairs or sadaku >:/ i'm out to freak you out HAHA k bye.
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