In the moonlight ever so bright shining on the pavement, a vivid silhouette accompanies the trail of tears left behind.Darkness falls and silence can devour once again the piercing screams at the back of her ears.The dagger pierced will always be retrieved,rubbing fresh salt to the wound a second time before the sun rises once again.Like a predator feasting on a prey, a heart broken is like a piece of meat thawed and chewed slowly in the mouth of a love cannibal.
Licking dripping blood off his knife whilst savoring his sweet victory, he hunts for more...
(speaking of which if cannibalism is one of your interest, you may wanna check out this article..horribly sick..thanks to Poon for sharing it like eons ago but decided to post it up now to share (:)
Ok, i know whatever i've written above is disturbing( well you know the stress urh exams period, yeah you get it) hahas but what's more disturbing is the pile of accounting notes on my table.Accompanied is a thick layer of dust just like a piece of ancient monument, that believe me..It triggers me to puke the moment i open it.
Licking dripping blood off his knife whilst savoring his sweet victory, he hunts for more...
(speaking of which if cannibalism is one of your interest, you may wanna check out this article..horribly sick..thanks to Poon for sharing it like eons ago but decided to post it up now to share (:)
Ok, i know whatever i've written above is disturbing( well you know the stress urh exams period, yeah you get it) hahas but what's more disturbing is the pile of accounting notes on my table.Accompanied is a thick layer of dust just like a piece of ancient monument, that believe me..It triggers me to puke the moment i open it.
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