Second-hand smoke was my best friend last night. It stuck on to me for a whole 3 hours.I was most probably inhaling half of what the annonymous was exhaling on his cherry stick right in front of me.If i was half of what they are, i would have totally went right up to him and snap his bud into two.Making things even worse,my nose totaly sniffed malboro and many other shit smokes last night resulting in a splitting migraine before i even entered zouk.I vow on my mother's maiden name that if i ever smoke cracks,i would die a tragic death,AMEN.
It took a whole one and a half hour plus before we even went in for Romp 3,the planning was in a utter mess.CUT QUEUE was def the greatest invention of an idea, man ever had.Familiar faces were all around cause apparently the ones selling the tickets were from my ex-school.When you thought cine was worse, i had never seen so many ah lians and ah bengs in my whole life before outside the exterior of zouk.What more about the cbs and knns i heard the whole night. I totally deduce that if you can speak like a tweety high- pitch bird, you have the utmost potential to be an ahlian~
It was definitely disappointing but i guess it wouldnt have been even more disappointing than what dr felt.Its alright bitch, i got your back, its cool :D i wont divulge because there are always things you dont want people to dig into.Dance comp wise, i thought S.I.C.K was awesome rather than flair nation. S.I.C.K had awesome techniques!The girls could totally do their waves and isolations and flair nation's tricks got the better advantage i guess.
Headed for my so called supper but when we reached ps at 12.30 am the mall was already closed, but mac was open in it so we couldnt crash.Therefore shared a cab with dr and headed home.I could hear my pores screaming the whole time, my whole dress was stenched with the odour of smoke.
WORD OF ADVICE: UNDERAGED PARTIES SUCK, make it legal when your 18 you have freedom and space.
on a better note,im looking forward to my evry week's sat 1-2pm because hes always there ((:
oh no..
and yes yes bryan's:" its your chestses not your breastest ar !" that made me cracked real hard :D
last but not least credits to tammy who sold me the tics for the pics.Wanted nice pics of the event but samm and i left the damn cam at the baggage counter. BLUR case.
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