Im really happy today.From inside out.
You know when you improve, your body shows and those inner just know it.Im getting to know how to manipulate my body to these moves every day.
The best thing is, the hives did not came today.Not even one red spot.Miracle? Of course not, i took 2 pills before i went but he said it would be harmless even if i took these pills for years because some entertainers take them just for performances when they get urticaria.Did two serious tough shit choreo today and the first one, i caught the steps real fast.Usually i will lag behind by a beat and its frustrating the hell out of me.Today, i did not just marked through,i danced.My aim now is even higher.Hope my body will be able to withstand my desires.You have to feel the choreo and not just remember it in your mind.
Its 6 hours before i fly to HK,ive decided to not bring my cam cause its a real short trip and the only thing im gonna do is shopping.Its such a hassle to bring a cam on a shopping trip when you still have to charge it.6 hours to departure( blardy morning flights).Im done here for the night.
heres a video i watched today.Thanks to ruth for sharing :D
With this, you wont get hungry anywhere.
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