Its been a month since ive started dancing.This past month,ive expand my dance vocabulary.Ive learned to listen to music not in my ears but in my heart.Every choreo to me is an art that i will wanna perfect no matter how tedious it is.Although i did mention once that i placed singing as my first passion, now dance has taken its place slowly and gradually.I have no idea if its bad or something but i know nothing can replace dance for me for the next 2 years down the road.The plug-ins and rhythm kills me.I will start marking my steps on the train,at bustops and any mirror reflection possible.I wanna place this necessity as a long term route that ive just begun.I may be new to this world of mine but i will grow as i learn everyday.This past one month for me have been full of ups and downs.The closer ones to me should know.Ive so much plans for myself ahead,i cant wait.If its too early to say this,i will play it repetitively in my mind that i will dance fruitfuly.I will listen more attentively and nothing gets into the bubble when i start dancing,all i need is more concentration, more knowledge and more support and faith.I dont need recognition at this stage, i just need encouragement.
There, its been stuck in my heart for so long,ive said it all out.