Your Scores:
Surroundings: 21
Behaviours: 20
Capabilities and Skills: 24
Values and Beliefs: 20
It seems that while you are already very content with your day to day physical surroundings overall.
These may include: the places you frequent, the people you engage with regularly and the personal relationships you have – or don’t have.
You are one of those fortunate people who look at what’s happening in their day-to day lives and feel good about what they see hear and feel.
As you think about a typical day, week or month in your life and mentally go through it, consider if there are any small changes you could make now that would increase your current level of happiness even more.
Remember to keep focussing on the plus points in this area as they will reinforce your positive and that may help you in other areas of your life where things may not be quite so rosy
Your responses suggest that you have a great feeling of optimism about life, generally expecting things to go well and ensuring that you do the kind of things today that make you happy.
You seem to have recognised that happiness is often gained from finding time for things you enjoy doing rather than putting things off until tomorrow.
You might want to take time to consider if there are areas of your life that detract from your happiness.
Do you find yourself doing things you don’t enjoy? Be sure to maintain a healthy balance in tending towards optimism while checking out your hopes against reality.
Much happiness comes from growing and developing as a person and your answers suggest that the way you have managed your skills and capabilities to date is a source of pleasure and satisfaction for you.
You are likely to be very aware of the full range of your talents and you work actively to develop them. However you are not complacent and you are likely to continue to love learning new things and to enjoy the challenge of increasing your skill level in many different areas,
In order to make the most of this source of happiness, you might consider if there are any creative ways to develop yourself even further.
Ask yourself what other hidden talents you could have that could give you even more satisfaction both now and in the future.
In general you have a well developed sense of what is important to you personally. You know that you are important and you pay attention to what you value and believe in.
Happiness comes from being true to yourself and knowing what matters to you. You are unlikely to allow other people’s agendas to over rule your own and you know how to stay focussed on your personal goals. You are likely to feel a strong sense of motivation as you know what you want.
While this is a vital part of personal happiness, check that you have not disregarded the needs of others. A delicate balance needs to be maintained in relationships to ensure that your happiness is not paid for by others.
You seem to know exactly who you are, accepting and valuing yourself so that you can realise your true potential. This certainty about who you are will allow you to pursue what really matters to you. You are likely to be able to identify and remove obstacles from your path,
sticking true to what really matters to you. Your score reflects your knowledge of who you are choosing to be at this time. Happiness springs from self knowledge, accepting yourself for who you with all of your gifts as well as your imperfections.
Happy people have a strong sense of purpose and you seem to know what it is that you are doing and where you are going. You know what gives your life meaning and you are content in the knowledge that you are making a difference in the areas that are important to you.
You know the contribution that you are making and you feel worthwhile.
Interesting. Wanna know yours? (:
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