"The strength of women is the pretense of weakness, and the weakness of men is the pretense of strength"

Feeling a little homie today. Just crawling under my bedsheets whilst the raindrops are pelting. 16 degrees and my head is numb, body aching finishing up that portfolio. I am half way typing through when i came across, personal development.
Weakness much? I guess every humans' weaknesses lies in not telling how much they love each other, that hesitance is always left till the very last minute. Pros and Cons? Pros that it doesn't become habitual when you highlight to an individual how much you love him/her. Cons, it's a little too late. Everything is done a little slightly later than a predicament. Humbly asking if what's left? It's just a deep moment of acceptance and nothing can be done.
The negligence of regrets unintentionally veils itself beneath this mask.There's a basic human weakness inherent in all people which tempts them to want what they can't have and not want what is readily available to them.
Does that apply to dance as well? To want what you can't have? To turn this weakness into strength, is the most beautiful thing about it. I will go against the currents, like i've always been. I want to say yes and i want to say no. It's control.
The negligence of regrets unintentionally veils itself beneath this mask.There's a basic human weakness inherent in all people which tempts them to want what they can't have and not want what is readily available to them.
Does that apply to dance as well? To want what you can't have? To turn this weakness into strength, is the most beautiful thing about it. I will go against the currents, like i've always been. I want to say yes and i want to say no. It's control.
Flying off in 48 hours
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