If You Could See Me Now
By Cecelia Ahern

Pretty much bend on getting this one.. after a fruitful recommendation.
Last night.....
we traveled the city. Yes, it felt like the winds blowing against your cheeks embracing fatigue. Flagged off at ECP at 11.30 pm hahas and it's a really funny sight cause you most prolly won't get lost with 30 over red lights flashing and twinkling in the darkness all at one spot. (:
So, marked down Kallang Bridge, Clark Quay, Flyer, Some mountain i forgot hahas ,China Town, Orchard, Cathay then last stop to the Marina Barrage.
I can't believe i ton the nights away cycling on a cheapo bike rental. Talking bout cheap thrills, this could be one of the best.
The best one that really make me felt that it was worth going down for this outing ( well most of the time, i just go anonymous) would be the one when we raced through Clark quay and met two policemen on the way at the restricted zone. HAHAHS 1000 dollars fine per bike but we managed to scrape through. It was buck k. OMG so GANGSTER when we ride the bikes from places to places. I could name it "Delinquents Adventure".
Yes i fell down and omg collided and crashed multiple times. LOL
Cant blame cause well i haven't ride a bike since young k? Excuses excuses. >:)
I rode through the bridge at Fullerton and memories felt like an adrenaline rush flushed back racing through my brains. But i know i shouldn think too much about it already. Not worth it
Yeap, talking bout this event is just an understatement. Regretted not going to the marina barrage cause to me i have never once in my life saw a sunrise. :( Check this pic out, ( kope from joel's)
Awesome much. cant wait for next year's one. Thank you to those that organised this event and constantly watched out for the juniours. Those directions asking with strangers, without them i guess i would be well, lost in my own city.
It felt like a one day trip back to your own place, owning the destinations when half the city is sleeping and while dreams are being made, you are cycling freely at wee hours. :D Love it
reached back ECP with Fion at 6.30 and went home to feed on a few couple hours of sleep before meeting back at studio for Gin's talk.
I have many thoughts bout what she said but well it wont be said here. I just hope that my intuitions are the same with the rest for the end of the year. Its gonna be something i'm gonna look forward to. Something i will work hard and strive towards to from now onwards.
Porridge at maxwell is just dope at 1 am.
sometimes i do wonder if we meet people at the wrong times in your life, then you chose to distance yourself away from them because of an inner motive.. Years later, you meet back again and realised now it's the time to start a friendship you should have not ended years ago.. by talking and realising this person ain't what you think afterall.
if this actually happens, i want to find back those that i've lost on the way. Some is actually coming back... i'm happy (:
Gonna meet auddy later :D
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