" If it's a tough road i must take,then i 'd say the tough gets going.."
Finally we settled down and caught up with each other My poon balloon!!!! :D hahas yi wei yi wei yi wei Miss you la (: The one thing about this march is that i'm thankful i caught up with people i havent heard from since eons before i head for well 5 MONTHS of hell.Initially it was suppose to be Marley and me then we decided we should just do the dishing and the bitching hahas D: no lurh hahas we like to nua, nuasters hahas :D so headed to frolick again ._. And Smokey hahas :D babe its time to kick the niccotine aye? Means alot if you can do it and i 'd be proud of you. Maybe ditch the niccotine and switch to cocaine? hahas ok you know am joking. I care ok so we better be in the same class so i can nag at you all over again which always fail then i have to inhale your 2nd hand. HEH D: not like i mind but YES. you should know what i hope you to do.

Then i met my DNJH bitch :D hahas no lurh, my dope buddy, we bloodied valentined. Then scandal scandal hahahas! jk D: hhaaas, thanks for lending me your shoulder when i just grabbed without permission because for all you know what's my weakness now. I absolutely fcking shit HATE GORE.Let me say this one more time: I love HORROR but not the GORY kind. And hell no bloody valentine was ALL GORE.choke sian. So after all those aixle in your face shit, i myself lost some blood. ._. Not gonna go into details. But DAMN IT. i hate to be cheated into a movie and this time i cheated myself in.
But anyhow thanks :D hahas If i were to list out my march and april for you, i think i might concuss and die on the spot right now. Let's just say, i'm going to immerse myself with the subtle silence of death first then think later. :D
Impresario tonight!
and urh..... i dunno what got into my head.. i did something out of the norm today.
It's not a mistake .I just hope i know what i'm into before i wrote my name down for it.
and urh..... i dunno what got into my head.. i did something out of the norm today.
It's not a mistake .I just hope i know what i'm into before i wrote my name down for it.
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