Approximately 2 more months, i will be out of TAS.( Sounds a little like i'm coming out of jail but i'm not hahas (: ) Time flies when you are having fun. It sure does. So fast that you won't even notice how much you have experienced. I'm completely clue-less as to where ahead is my future.
Which reminds me of the conversation i had with mum before she left," what will you do for the rest of your life if you were not tied down by educational or money issues?? For this moment, this instance, don't care about anything,what would be your ambition??"
I wanted to be the best hip hop dancer and travel around the world to teach and share my love for it. She just nodded and i knew deep down that wasn't the answer she was looking for.
I realised in our years in poly, its really hard to find a true friend. Don't get me wrong by saying its impossible to find one, but for my case, our course changes class 2 times in a row. Just when i'm all comfortable around my group of friends now, i have to break the ice all over again.I'm sure gonna miss the slack around vivo after school days, the "awesome" (as always quoted by Miss Cindy Poon herself hahas) train rides that we took always from vivo to Pasir ris.Thanks for accompanying me all the way home everyday without fail. I love all the small aunty, gossip,bitchy conversations we had hahahs.Plus the endless bubble tea and small cravings what nots. Piercings on Monday k don't forget! Woman, please don't ever wander your mind too far away, but if you do, you know i'm always here to encourage, listen or give you advices.Don't forget me k after we separate in sem 2.2 . Excel in ticketing and i will bring you good food from culinary ((: I'm gonna miss my group mates, 2k04 and all the nights we spent at my house chionging project and eating my mum's home cooked food. Take care and once and for all, let's cross this last hurdle.
but you know it doesn't mean our friendship ends when the sem ends.It's unavoidable that we are gonna spent lesser time together but we can always meet up for that KBOX session. You know you want it (: LOVE
Mum the domestic drama mama is enjoying herself in Korea. Her itenary today is HOT SPRING and ski resort. My itenary for the day, to revise my Resort Opt lectures. BOTH GOT RESORT. but you know the BIG DIFFERENCE. Can't wait for her to come home :/ I'm sick of eating cauliflowers from Mon to Fri. ( Since that's the only veggie mum taught the maid to cook since she came eeck)
I need pillow fights. Those that makes you zonked out when the pillow comes smacking right at your face. Stress i know, but i want fun at the same time we are having stress. That is something we always overlook.
Dance is like freedom.But i just don't see it in this item no matter how hard we try. period
Which reminds me of the conversation i had with mum before she left," what will you do for the rest of your life if you were not tied down by educational or money issues?? For this moment, this instance, don't care about anything,what would be your ambition??"
I wanted to be the best hip hop dancer and travel around the world to teach and share my love for it. She just nodded and i knew deep down that wasn't the answer she was looking for.
I realised in our years in poly, its really hard to find a true friend. Don't get me wrong by saying its impossible to find one, but for my case, our course changes class 2 times in a row. Just when i'm all comfortable around my group of friends now, i have to break the ice all over again.I'm sure gonna miss the slack around vivo after school days, the "awesome" (as always quoted by Miss Cindy Poon herself hahas) train rides that we took always from vivo to Pasir ris.Thanks for accompanying me all the way home everyday without fail. I love all the small aunty, gossip,bitchy conversations we had hahahs.Plus the endless bubble tea and small cravings what nots. Piercings on Monday k don't forget! Woman, please don't ever wander your mind too far away, but if you do, you know i'm always here to encourage, listen or give you advices.Don't forget me k after we separate in sem 2.2 . Excel in ticketing and i will bring you good food from culinary ((: I'm gonna miss my group mates, 2k04 and all the nights we spent at my house chionging project and eating my mum's home cooked food. Take care and once and for all, let's cross this last hurdle.
but you know it doesn't mean our friendship ends when the sem ends.It's unavoidable that we are gonna spent lesser time together but we can always meet up for that KBOX session. You know you want it (: LOVE
Mum the domestic drama mama is enjoying herself in Korea. Her itenary today is HOT SPRING and ski resort. My itenary for the day, to revise my Resort Opt lectures. BOTH GOT RESORT. but you know the BIG DIFFERENCE. Can't wait for her to come home :/ I'm sick of eating cauliflowers from Mon to Fri. ( Since that's the only veggie mum taught the maid to cook since she came eeck)
I need pillow fights. Those that makes you zonked out when the pillow comes smacking right at your face. Stress i know, but i want fun at the same time we are having stress. That is something we always overlook.
Dance is like freedom.But i just don't see it in this item no matter how hard we try. period
ending off with a tray of cupcakes to cheer me up. :/
Cupcakes are like the best birthday gift ever (: I shall do them for all my girlfriends in the year of 2008.

Watching Ugly Betty makes me hungry. "Hey chica you forgot your cupcakes! " and "What ? Georgeous doesn't just happen?!" i simply love HILDA. (: I want to be optimistic and i want to be happy. This shall be my goal.
I hope next year we get to do cupcakes in the kitchen <3 Or cereals like this (:

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