around 2.30pm on 30th march as we assemble at T3 departure hall wearing our oh so-hot gc shirts HAHA :x im in TO2 with this awesome bunch of people!
Ruth , me and ryan kong !
the guys,slacking Edmund ,Keith,Ryan,Akbar and Wilson. (L-R)
MU 568
Ryan kong and me! 25 and 17+ your old la ryan ! :D
Jerome Jacquet (MORE RETARDED PHOTOS of him WITH ruth lhz! (: )
Ruth and me when we just arrived at SH.It was freezing cold!
Ryan ,Nanxing, Me , Ruth, Wen Hui, Rina and Celesta.
Gang Hong hotel.(2-STAR but the room was generally not like a 2 star hotel surprisingly but the food was definitely that rating)
On the 31st ! It was an ultra meaningful day to me.We visited the Shanghai Boai Cerebral palsy Children's Rehab Centre for some community improvement service.The rehab centre was the ciy's premier rehabilitation and special education facility for children with autism,celebral palsy and other disbailities.
Nanxing with her ultra FBT shorts at 10 degree celsius. i seriously think she has iron legs cause that was what she literally wore for the whole trip and dresses.
This little boy beside me was only 6 years old.He couldnt speak nor react properly to my conversations.I was damn upset over it cause even though he couldnt speak to me or whatsoever, he held on to my hand tightly half of the time.I dont know what words to describe it, but i just wanna protect him.
we played some really cool musical chair and chicky dance.Simple yet heartwarming.If you were there, you could see the happy faces of these children. This short session made me realised some happiness are not meant to be expressed just verbally.It all written over your face.These kids appreciate such a small thing that we do for them.I wonder if the kids in nurseries these days do too over here in sg.
literally translate in english:" to see whom of which would be stronger and improves the faster"
Its a motivaitonal inspiration pasted on the wall.
She looks like jap isnt it?! Such a sweet litle girl, but guess what she cant speak not even a word.i swear that day was really heartwrenching.
This is zizi, shes 17 going 18.The same age as me.Shall share a conversation she had with Nanxing.Nanxing asked her if she was happier at the rehab centre or at home.Naturally, you would feel inferior and get reminded of your defection and flaws in such an environment but she surprised me with a simple:" its a different kind of happiness" Shes like much more mature than me,i totally feel that shes really admirable.
i didnt realise she gave a twist ! :D
With regards to the food in china, its a terrible experience for the first few days for me.Evrything was really oily and salty.Theres fried shrimps which they totally mentioned as "prawns"? and sour sweet fish which had a totally fishy taste on every meal without fail.Practically the vegetables were a coated glossy green.There was a point i got so sick of the food, i just went to the toilet to gag.
This is your fried rice.They call it "dan chao fan" no green beans nor sausage or corn, its literally dan+ fan. Hence its awesome name -.- oh yes the eggs there are like free, soup got egg, meat got egg ,vegetables also got egg.
But as the days goes by, our taste buds slowly adapted to the local food.
The flowers at tiger hill were georgeous!!!Its so natural and the colours are super vibrant.(:
theres simply too much to upload in a single post, i shall post up again the next time. Sleeping time! :D
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