Blair: "i would do anything for you chuck, what if that's wrong?"
"i never thought it was possible to love someone too much but maybe it is..
i dont like who i've become with you"
this is the end...chuck.
"Many women push themselves too hard to do something that can wait until another day. They seem to get into situations that created more stress than could really be handled, placing unnecessary physical and emotional strains on themselves as well as others.
Why do we do these things? We either fail to realise or don’t want to believe that it is physically impossible for us to accomplish everything we task ourselves (or have been tasked) with. To stay mentally and physically healthy, we need to learn how to better manage our time. It has been said that the best way to manage your time is to prioritise and delegate."
HAHA fcuk man so true. i have fallen into the superwoman's trap. :/
off for a tann and swim with my bestie samm <3>
im with a simple guy but im a complicated minded girl. but i want to be contented, i want you to be happy too. i want to work towards my goals, i wanna work towards our goals too. I just want what's best for you,what's best for us.. so from now on, we are going to be strong cause despite everything against you and me, i still believe in us.
thinking back, ive got all that i wanted before i started out in this route, i had nothing, i wasnt a dancer, i found someone i love who loves to dance, i found many friends, involve myself in competitions , performances and productions and found a goal to work on.
most importantly, i found my passion. some people come around, and they dont find it, but i did.
wanna be BFAB. cause you give respect to the boombox thats given birth to you. (:
thankful. blessed and happy. 2010 thank you!