Wednesday, December 22, 2010

strangely familiar

Blair: "i would do anything for you chuck, what if that's wrong?"
"i never thought it was possible to love someone too much but maybe it is..
i dont like who i've become with you"

this is the end...chuck.

Monday, December 20, 2010


my man

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

i love yew

if possible, this is how long i want it for us.

but who's to say it will last?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


this is how i feel when i give this piece of advice :" you should give time, time.." but whenever it happens to me,i never ever heed my own advices though :/

love this song (: it says everything.

Monday, December 13, 2010


upcoming events, need to stay organised (: phew so much going on so i need to stay focus and work hard, dance hard as well..

Fb production- watching at 17 and 18 december
sunshine's 21st -18 december Preppy theme
Cousin's wedding 24th-25th December
RUDOLFUCKYEAH- 25th december
Vetting for Danzation- 26th December
Audition for Choreographer's for Gems audition - 30th december ( anger hiphop- *BIG headache*)
On the same day 30th december : countdown performance : eve's recital item scape
Sophia's 21st- 2 jan Masquerade theme
School reopens - 5th Jan ( 4 modules TO conquer)
Danzation Production - dancing 7th &8th january
Yew's P.O.P date on 8th Jan
Trainings for SDD- every saturday from now onwards
SDD- February 59 more days..
Semester ends 25th march
GEMS 6- in April

i know. i know. what your thinking at e back of your head, juggling school, dance all at the same time, my health is going to go down again.

time to stock up on the vitamins. next sem is no joke with commercial law, prices and markets, bus stats and mgt acc will drive me crazy.

better buck up leycia. you dont have much time.

happened to read up on this HAHAHAH

"Many women push themselves too hard to do something that can wait until another day. They seem to get into situations that created more stress than could really be handled, placing unnecessary physical and emotional strains on themselves as well as others.

Why do we do these things? We either fail to realise or don’t want to believe that it is physically impossible for us to accomplish everything we task ourselves (or have been tasked) with. To stay mentally and physically healthy, we need to learn how to better manage our time. It has been said that the best way to manage your time is to prioritise and delegate."

HAHA fcuk man so true. i have fallen into the superwoman's trap. :/

off for a tann and swim with my bestie samm <3>


Faith is spelt with you and me

im with a simple guy but im a complicated minded girl. but i want to be contented, i want you to be happy too. i want to work towards my goals, i wanna work towards our goals too. I just want what's best for you,what's best for us.. so from now on, we are going to be strong cause despite everything against you and me, i still believe in us.

thinking back, ive got all that i wanted before i started out in this route, i had nothing, i wasnt a dancer, i found someone i love who loves to dance, i found many friends, involve myself in competitions , performances and productions and found a goal to work on.

most importantly, i found my passion. some people come around, and they dont find it, but i did.

wanna be BFAB. cause you give respect to the boombox thats given birth to you. (:

thankful. blessed and happy. 2010 thank you!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

DIG this video and song alot. (:
well the thing is, my faith says its time i come out of my shell and kill this social stigma thats been going around for way too long in dance.. cause its time, i do something about it already. gonna prove that i can, and i can do this. must STOP. feeling. insecure.

Gonna bring this piece to the stage. dedicate it. must kill it at audition. nuff said.


till april, i hope i survive. i hope i dont collapse.
busy like a bumblebee but i still need my honey :D

Friday, December 3, 2010

honestly im quite worried about whats going on with my immune system nowadays. it hasnt been a smooth sailing year for my body. I know how stubborn i am. Wish i could really change this habit so that everything would be better, but really im trying to make changes now so that i have more time to spent with the family. As much as i know we aint that close that we can talk about our troubles as in those inner deep troubles where you watch on television and your mum hugs you and tell you everything will be ok? Doesnt happen in this family. Its something like i only get a hug and kiss when its my birthday. But i do remember having a goodnight kiss all the time when i was younger, wondered where that went and i forgot how i used to kiss my mum goodnight too when i was just a child. They say everything is much better when your younger, its true.

Yesterday, i headed to the science centre with lbf for the C.S.I experience which i was so hyped up for. Gotta thank god for him sometimes. I dont know why. Cant find a friend who used to be my ex, or rather i was his first love, we used to be enemies, we had a very bad broke up and things ended badly we didn contact each other for almost close to 4 years and then we found our way back to each other through gems concert. i remembered. something asked me to ask him to come to watch that concert, then we became friends again. Those really good friends where we could dig back all that old shit and talk about it and dont feel awkward at all. I had the best prom ever and the worst experience at secondary two with him creating a whole hoo ha, of accusation or assumption that didn even happen and well, i guess im gonna remember him for life as my arch enemy back then, even the fugging sitting plan for sec 4 had me and him placed together at the front row. HAHAHAHAH. wtf. but a switcheroo, and everything feels better now.

its good to have a person like this in your life, who have known you in all sorts of ways, as a girlfriend, as a friend and as an enemy. So i probably had his ego up a little too much if he ever read this post. but yeah, this post is for you. subtracked alittle, the C.S.I thing was really awesome. there were three crime scenes that you had ta gather evidence , and there was really a corspe ( fake of course) and the crime scene with evidence all left there for you to decipher, i really felt like a detective. :D dont mind going back there with yew, if he books out. ^-^ but travelling there is really a siaotingtongz.

dont wanna talk about how i ended my day at UWB showcase, but having able to witness the works of nappytabs is truly a blessing. The migraine just hadta fugging spoiled everything. whatever it is, yesterday had its fair share of ups and downs. just wanna document it down, ( i know not in a very orderly like i used to type out my thoughts kinda way) so that i can remember it vividly. im getting old and like i said at the beginning of my post, gastric migraines, fever flu, had its way to me this year, all within a month. its time i change up my schedule a little bit. off for my first tp training ever since i graduated. its gonna be awkward, but im going to just dance and fuck care all the socialising and talking. thank god i have sha and cheryl. still contemplating if i should do gems 6. we will see about that.