When i was still young, i had so many ambitions. Not one stated :" to be a dancer".
There's one that's been kept in my heart for a very long time. You know how people changes their ambition every now and then.
There's this one that i've always wanted to be since young and even now.Those close to me should know. I'm not confident enough yet to say it out so I'd rather not. This kind of issue usually can only be said when people hear it for themselves. Some have heard that's why they encourage me to pursue but somehow i do not favour the fame and publicity. I'm someone who is very low profile. I detest attention therefore, it's one of these obstacles that refrain me from joining any competitions. :( However there's one particular person now in HK , she inspires me. Maybe you wanna check her out?
She used to compete in one of our local competitions however she got eliminated. But look where she's now. She's a very good example to many of us. We shouldn't give up our passion just because of one slightest obstacle or failure.
There's one that's been kept in my heart for a very long time. You know how people changes their ambition every now and then.
I don't.
There's this one that i've always wanted to be since young and even now.Those close to me should know. I'm not confident enough yet to say it out so I'd rather not. This kind of issue usually can only be said when people hear it for themselves. Some have heard that's why they encourage me to pursue but somehow i do not favour the fame and publicity. I'm someone who is very low profile. I detest attention therefore, it's one of these obstacles that refrain me from joining any competitions. :( However there's one particular person now in HK , she inspires me. Maybe you wanna check her out?
She used to compete in one of our local competitions however she got eliminated. But look where she's now. She's a very good example to many of us. We shouldn't give up our passion just because of one slightest obstacle or failure.
Audition: 2009
Should i or should i not??? A part of me tells me that this is the time i should go venture it, if not i would regret for the rest of my life :( i believe it's a gift i've been given but i just don't
know how to use it hahas :/
I want to...... but i'm afraid no one will support me HAHHAS (: Oh well, i think i should go and study my jap now.Btw it's not to be a pianist hahas something else but i would love to be a pianist too (:
This is just one of those day dream situations....

P.s : Btw ,this is Estee's SMILING HERO. My smiling hero is her. Come save me whenever you can (: i know sometimes i don't tell you what i'm going through but you understand. So thanks for being there for me.

My name's Leycia.(lei-shi-yer) If you dunno how to pronunce it :/ hmmpppf ! But i'm still liting, the one that people likes to call yi li tie ding lee li ting, sillyleeliting, l4t, dashen ting. So now you better call me by my english name GRRRR (: